Violet Jelly
This unusual jelly gets it’s beautiful amethyst color from an infusion of boiling water and wild violet flowers. Don’t worry if your “tea” is blue at first, once you add the lemon juice it will go right back to purple.
48 o. jars
Cook Time
48 o. jars
Cook Time
  1. Pour boiling water into your jar of violets until it is full, making sure to gently press on the violets to release any air bubbles. Cover your jar and keep it out of bright sunlight for about 24 hours. The color of the violet tea will look sapphire blue, not purple.
  2. Line a colander with a paper towel or coffee filter and strain the violet tea. If necessary, add enough water to your tea so that the mixture equals 2 cups.
  3. In a deep pot, mix the tea and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Boil for one minute. Add the sugar and pectin, then bring to a hard boil for another minute. Turn off the heat and skim the top.
  4. Pour into processed jars.