Cabin Fever Brownies

Less Is More.

I’ve heard through the grapevine that when you’re looking for a recipe, it’s aggravating to have to read through an entire epic description and wade through umpteen photos. Because there’s a pandemic and I don’t want to further irritate you, I am presenting this Cabin Fever Brownies recipe without much commentary. Also, I am homeschooling, working, wife-ing and generally losing my mind so I don’t have time to inspire you with the fancy words.

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Peanut Butter and Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

I love homemade peanut butter cookies with the little fork marks on top.  And those puffy ones with the hershey kiss plopped in the center.  Those are the best honestly.  But when I bake I’m always looking for ways to make classic flavors and recipes conform to my rather strict visual standards.  I like things to have a consistent, clean shape and tidy edges.  I especially like to make things one level fancier than is necessary.  These yummy peanut butter sandwich cookies do just that. Continue reading “Peanut Butter and Chocolate Sandwich Cookies”