Easter Egg Cookies-Pussy Willows and Speckled Eggs

These simple and beautiful Easter egg cookies are dipped in royal icing and speckled with edible metallic paint. The pussy willow design is made by piping tiny chocolate branches and sprinkling little drops of white icing with sparkling sugar. They look all fuzzy!

Pussy Willow Speckled Egg CookiesMan do I hate making royal icing.  I hardly ever do.  Most of the cookies I make, I just work the designs around what colors are available in Betty Crocker cookie icing.  But a friend of mine whose family ran a bakery posted some pics of cookies she had dipped in icing and they looked so lovely I thought I’d give it another try.  Royal icing is a simple mix of egg whites, powdered sugar and extract or lemon juice.  No big deal, right?  Am I not the Master Of All Baked Goods?  Do I not bleed icing?

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Easy Chocolate Bird Nests

Chocolate Zero to Chocolate Hero:

I accidentally made the best little chocolate bird nests!  Last week I was trying to make some chocolate curls with butterscotch chips to decorate the top of a chocolate and salted caramel cake.  I usually make chocolate curls by spreading melted chocolate onto the back of a cookie sheet and freezing it for about 1 minute.  Then I take it out and scrape it off with a wide spatula to create big lovely curls.  Sorta like this.  But because I’m always trying to do too many things at once (As I write this I am making a phone cake and eating lunch) I forgot about them in the freezer and when I took out the cookie sheet, the butterscotch mixture was frozen solid.  Because I am an optimist, I thought I’d try to make curls anyway.  This is what happened: Continue reading “Easy Chocolate Bird Nests”