Weezy’s Honey Cake


I love my little weirdos.  All of my three kids have special talents and hilarious quirks.  My son has an insane amount of energy, charm, musical ability and dramatic flair.  If the entire cast of a cruise ship musical production could be crammed into one person, that would be Simon on a slow day.  My middle daughter, Ramona, is artistic, soulful and passionate.  Her art teacher once told me, “She’s like a conduit, the ideas and inspiration just pour out of her.”  I wish this were a kids’ art blog because she is truly gifted. Continue reading “Weezy’s Honey Cake”

Dandelion Jelly Recipe

So, I know this is a baking blog and dandelion jelly is not really a baked good. But if some joker can put bacon on a maple donut, I think I can put jelly on my baking blog. Bacon started it.  And this dandelion jelly recipe is worth breaking all the rules for anyway.

Mom's Dandelion Jelly
Continue reading “Dandelion Jelly Recipe”

Edible Moss-Spring Woodland Cake

Edible Coconut Moss Woodland Cake Meringue Mushrooms Faux Bois ChocolateThis edible moss is perfect for cookies, cakes and cupcakes. I perfected this technique for a special woodland themed cake I made for my birthday. I love making meringue mushrooms and discovered an easy way to make chocolate “logs” but really needed some edible moss to bring it all together.  All the details of putting together this cake are below but if you’re just here for the edible moss recipe, scroll to the bottom!

The Bunny Cake With No Bunnies:

Most years my birthday is well after Easter.  So usually by the time I’m thinking birthday cake, I’m so over bunnies and eggs and pastels and spring.  But not this year!  So I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone and make a birthday cake that was also Easter-y!  I had dozens of my favorite bunny cookies and thought I’d make a pastel cake adorned with pink and white bunny cookies, pastel watercolor buttercream and a white chocolate sail.  And then I accidentally made this.  My creative process is what some might call chaotic, but I prefer the term “experimentally unhinged”. Continue reading “Edible Moss-Spring Woodland Cake”

Banana Nut Bread Caramels

banana nut bread caramels

One of the best things about my new BFF caramel is that the flavor possibilities are so wide open.  Think of any dessert, candy or drink you like and then google that with the word “caramel” and you’ll see what I mean. Continue reading “Banana Nut Bread Caramels”

Swedish Coffee Cake Caramels

Swedish Coffee Cake Caramels

I have known how to make caramels for three days and still feel like I just invented fire.  The Salted Mezcal Caramels were a hit with the adults, but the kids didn’t really like them so I told Weezy I’d make some for her friends that were plain vanilla and she could decorate them.  They ended up with so many sprinkles on them that I had to vacuum my kitchen counter when I cleaned up. Continue reading “Swedish Coffee Cake Caramels”

Salted Mezcal Caramels

Salted Mezcal Caramels
Does your mixologist have a waxed mustache?  Suspenders?  Do they make their own artisan bitters?  Then there’s a pretty good chance you have had mezcal.   Mezcal is a smoked tequila that all the cool kids are drinking.  After a particularly tough day a few weeks ago I was having a pity-party and texted a friend #sendmezcal.  A few days later the FedEx guy rings my doorbell and hands me a box.  Inside was a bottle of Sombra mezcal!  I have the best and most literal friends. Continue reading “Salted Mezcal Caramels”

Chocolate Tart with Tea-Candied Pink Lemons

Chocolate Tart with Tea-Candied Pink LemonsI’ve been wanting to try David Leibovitz’s caramel-based chocolate tart for a while now.  For the crust he recommends a french pastry dough which I’ve also wanted to try.  Kismet! Continue reading “Chocolate Tart with Tea-Candied Pink Lemons”